Weighing In on Collaborative Divorce Options!

Collaborative divorce is an option for Texas couples seeking divorce but wishing to stay out of court.

This process, which includes the assistance of collaborative divorce lawyers, is similar to mediation but with more structure and guidance.

It is a great option for spouses and their collaborative divorce attorneys that can put their emotions aside and work through interest-based negotiations to make decisions that reflect the best interest of both parties to reach the fastest and most favorable resolution.

Can Avoid Litigation – Retain Confidentiality

Working with a collaborative divorce law firm is a great option for spouses that have issues that need to be worked out at the negotiation table, but do not want to litigate.

It is also a completely confidential process that keeps personal information private, outside of the courtroom.

It is done in a neutral space, but with the presence of both spouses’ collaborative divorce lawyers present.

Together, collaborative divorce attorneys and their clients will discuss the issues that need resolving and seek a resolution that both spouses can agree on.

It is helpful for standard divorce proceedings, as well as those that involve child custody discussions.

Can Be Used in High Asset Divorces

Collaborative divorce is even acceptable in certain high-asset divorces or those involving complicated financial situations or businesses, as long as there is no animosity and spouses are willing to negotiate without the anger that can sometimes be present in divorce discussions.

In some of these circumstances, collaborative divorce law firms will also bring financial experts into the discussion to ensure the negotiations stay fair.

Can Be A Faster Divorce Process For Some

The goal of collaborative divorce attorneys in Texas is to help couples get through the decisions required for them to be granted their divorce, but in a faster and less stressful way than traditional back-and-forth negotiations or having to go to court.

The process has a high success rate, though there are always times when it does not work out as well as spouses may hope.

In these instances, a spouse may withdraw from the negotiations with their collaborative divorce lawyer and seek other options.

The only stipulation at that point, due to confidentiality reasons, is that they find a new lawyer to represent them moving forward.

Consider These Creative Divorce Options!

Texas is one of many states that permits divorcing clients to work with collaborative divorce law firms to negotiate their own divorce with guidance, in lieu of going to court.

For those looking to reduce their divorce costs and avoid going to divorce court and have the ability to fairly negotiate without anger and emotion, it is a highly recommended option.