Minor in Possession Laws in the United States

DWI attorneys remind their clients that the legal drinking age in America is 21 years for all the states and a person under the legal drinking age faces charges for minor in possession if found taking or possessing alcohol.

Experienced DWI attorneys advise that the punishment for such individuals tends to take different forms. Some of the common punishments accorded to minors include

  • Revocation of your driver’s license usually for a period of 30 days.
  • Payment of hefty fines that varies from one state to another.
  • Enrollment in state alcohol programs.
  • Taking part in community service - the duration varies from one state to another.

Before offering a punishment, DWI lawyers advise that the court needs to consider a number of things that include what the court looks at when passing a judgment including:

  • The actual age of the person who has committed the offense.
  • Whether the person was under legal intoxication when committing the offense or not.
  • Whether the person has a history of similar crimes or is it the first time to find them drinking or possessing alcohol.
  • Whether the person has been involved in any other legal issue before.

Most states consider it illegal for a person who has attained the legal age of drinking to buy or give the drink to someone who has not attained the age of 21; however, DWI attorneys advise that a few states allow parents to give alcohol to their children even when they have not attained the recommended age as long as the child consumes the drink in their presence.

This helps in barring children who are likely to go about drinking and then allege that they had the permission of their parents.

According to DWI lawyers, some of the states allow minors to posses but not drink alcohol when attending religious functions or at a place of work.

Therefore, it is good to find out more about the laws governing the use of alcohol in your state so that you do not find yourself in the wrong because ignorance is never a defense when it comes to legal matters.

For more information about minor in possession, seek the assistance of DWI attorneys who are experienced in handling MIP cases.